Tuesday, September 22, 2009


While I was eating lunch yesterday someone busted out my window and stole my school bag. It's going to cost $182 to replace the window and $550 to replace the books. I lost all my notes, handouts, the paper I was writing and important study guides. I lost my planner which basically contained my life. I had personal information in my bag along with pictures of friends and family. People really suck sometimes. The end. 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Well, here goes...

I've decided to start blogging. I think it will be a good outlet for me. I'm hoping it will deter me from sticking my foot in my mouth... well, at least in face to face conversation that is. We'll just all have to sit back, buckle our seat belts, and enjoy the turbulence, as I learn the ins and outs of blogging. I'm sure I'll probably rant and rave. I'll probably base arguments on pure emotion alone, and change my mind a million times. Hey! That's just me though, and I guess if you just can't handle it you don't need to read it. 

Hmm... that reminds me. I'm no longer making apologies. I'm no longer making apologies for who I am. This list encompasses but is by no means limited to:

1. What I say
2. What I wear
3. They way I talk
4. The way I look in a picture
5. The way I look in general
6. Doing the right thing
7. Being a nerd
8. Being random
9. Being energetic 
10. Not being perfect
11. Not being what my parents want me to be
12. Not acting how others want me to act
13. Having goals
14. Being competitive

I'm sure you get the idea...

Basically, I'm no longer making apologies for simply being myself. I'm not going to apologize because somebody else doesn't like the way I'm running MY life. MY life is MY show. There truly is a virtue of selfishness. I'm not going to apologize because I want the best for me. I'm not going to apologize for the hard decisions I've had to make and will continue to make to be successful and happy. 

I'm growing up and away each day. I get more confident in who I am. I get more confident in knowing that I have the power to create a positive environment for myself no matter what the original conditions of the situation. I grow more confident in knowing that I am a worthwhile person whether the general public views me as such or not. I grow more confident in knowing that I love myself, that I am beautiful, I am intelligent, and I can do or be, anything I want. 

I am also lucky enough to have people that love me in my corner. I'm thankful everyday that I have friends, as well as a boyfriend (he doubles as a best friend too :] ) that just want what is best for me. I'm lucky that even if I do have to put my foot in my mouth, or I fall flat on my face, they are right there to laugh at me then pick me up and dust me off. So friends, if you're reading this please know you're appreciated! 

Well, I think this does it for my first post! I do have a meeting for work tomorrow, class, and then I'm working third shift...